Eliz Anghel P  H  O  T  O  N  A  T  U  R  E
Blog Gallery Best
Aug 142021
Equipment for wildlife photography - Crowd wisdom [2021]

The Audubon bird photo contest competition for North America, has announced it’s winners for the year 2021: 13 winners and mentions and the top 100 images. It’s the only wildlife photo competition that show equipment data and has a large enough participation to build a statistics. CHAPTERS: 1) Analysis of the changes in statistics of 2021 compared with 2020: 2) Combined statistics of the last 3 years [2021, 2020, 2019] from 333 winner pictures: 2.1) Equipment statistics 2.2) Settings statistics — The current statistics data will have less text analysis, […]

Jul 252020
Equipment for wildlife photography - Crowd wisdom [2020]

Recently I saw the top best photos of the Audubon bird photography competition: 2020 top 10, 2020 top 100, 2019 top 10, 2019 top 100. It’s a yearly photo competition for the North American wildlife photographers from USA and Canada. “The National Audubon Society is a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to conservation. Located in the United States and incorporated in 1905, Audubon is one of the oldest of such organizations in the world and uses science, education and grassroots advocacy to advance its conservation mission. It is named in honor […]

Sep 122013
2013 - 5 zile in Dobrogea = 100 de fotografii - partea II (51-100)

Dupa cum v-am povestit mai pe larg in prima parte a publicarii, cand am publicat primele 50 de fotografii (1-50), in anul 2013 am revenit in Delta Dunarii dupa 3 ani. A fost o iesire de 5 zile alaturi de prietenii mei Mircea, Richard si Razvan, in care am facut 8500 de fotografii cu viata salbatica din Dobrogea. Un mic accident la mana care m-a impiedicat sa mai pot lucra timp de 1 luna la computer, combinata lipsa de timp dar si multa lene (in special asta, care e cel […]